Out there in space there are two planets orbiting a star known as the sun these planets are Venus and Mars, and in between these two is one planet known as Earth.
On this planet there is water and land, two of these great land masses are know as Australia and South America, and in between these two is a country known as New Zealand.
New Zealand is made up of three islands (and about 20 million sheep) there is the North Island and Stewart Island and in between these two is the South Island.
Now there is sunny Nelson at the top and the bloody cold Inverggigle on the bottom and in between these two is the education capital of New Zealand, the great city of Dunedin.
This city of Dunedin has its ups and its downs (mainly it's ups) the hills and the sea, and in between these two is the heart of the city.
In the heart of the city there are two main attractions one being the University Of Otago number one at educating the patrons of New Zealand, and who ever else wants to show up (http://www.otago.ac.nz p.s. I want a honorary PHD for that one).
And the other is the mighty willowbank know for its midnight feeds to those of either big hunger or little balance (http://www.willowbankstore.co.nz p.s. I want a free feed for that one) and in between these two main attractions is a block of flats know as 31 Duke Street.
There are three flats in this block, one known as the girls flat, 6 females and some awesome food and on the otherside the boys flat, 6 males and some awesome smells, and in between these two is the geek flat.
Now this is geek city, these six boys spend more on internet than they do on power, and they are

Adam "I'm a nerd, not a geek" Murray aka Timon
Josh "The Coloured or Colourful one" Streat aka Pumbaa
Karl "I love drumsticks and I'm not a musician" Elstone aka Scar
Image not available due to Mikes Stealth Ability
Mike "The Ninja" Shirley aka Zazu
(It only counts if we can't see you when your in the same room)
Pat "I drive gay men wild" Reed aka Rafiki
Rayd "Less talented than a Calcutta prostitute" Wilson aka Nala
As you can see they are the centre of the universe and this is their story . . .
1 comment:
And within the Geek flat, there are three stories. The middle floor is between the top floor and the bottom floor. On the middle floor there are two important physical structures,Adam's office and the modem. Somewhere between these significant rendezvous's is Rayd's doorway. And the most likely person you would run into in Rayd's doorway is Rayd. Therefore it can be concluded that Rayd is Adam's centre of the universe!
(note aside, my picture seems to have malfunctioned and broken your website. It has that effect on things, but is there anyway it can be resyncronised to mutually co-exist with the system?)
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