Saturday, May 17, 2008
We are the centre of our own universe

The Little Room

I wrote you a haiku
Rain drops fall from cloud
Dripping Tap in sink
urinating, feel so good.
dedication to Adam Murray
We hardly knew ye
Hey Adam Please don’t bring a filing cabinet in here,
if you cleaned you room you wouldn’t have to use this room for an office it’s kinda comfy in here
Hey Adam we have some sick flatmates dont we.
P.S. I love you
Hey Adam I like to come in here and think about you at night. Sometimes if i press my ear to the wall I can hear you breathing softly in your sleep. Sweet dreams, ohh is this your pen?
Hi adam this is my favourite room because it is the only place where I can sit around with no pants thinking of you and not be judged for it.
Hey Adam, I love coming up here, thinking about you as warm fluid is excreted out of me.
Reminds me of your old office
Hey Adam.
Whats shaking?
Found this pen, is it yours?
I’ve heard the term oval office. but this is getting a little extreme what is next a filing cabinet
So I added some truth to this little story line
p.s. thanks for the office space guys it comes in handy when things are in a bit of a squeeze